How to Disassemble and Reassemble a Butterfly Knife Like a Pro

How to Disassemble and Reassemble a Butterfly Knife Like a Pro

Posted by EKnives on May 7th 2024

So, you need to clean your butterfly knife. You have come to the right place. The best way to clean your butterfly knife's nooks and crannies is to pull it apart and clean each piece individually. Don’t worry. We will walk you through the steps to take apart your butterfly knife and then put it back together.

What Is a Butterfly Knife?

First, you want to make sure your knife is a butterfly knife before you go to the trouble of dissembling it. And in case you aren’t sure, a butterfly knife isn't a miniature butterfly-sized weapon flying insects use to reign terror upon predators (although we can see where you might get confused). Butterfly knives, also known as balisongs, are a folding knife with an enclosed blade between two handles.

Balisongs originated in the Philippines, where people have been making them for hundreds of years. They were used for self-defense and as an everyday utility knife, but they have become popular today in how handlers can flip them around.

Before we jump into the steps to disassembling, it's important to note that balisongs can be dangerous if mishandled. Always exercise caution and follow local laws and regulations regarding the possession and use of butterfly knives. Just because you see balisong knives for sale in your area doesn’t mean the seller is aware of the knife laws, either.

Steps To Disassemble and Reassemble a Butterfly Knife

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

No one likes searching for supplies in between each step. Go ahead and gather everything before you begin. You'll need:

  • A flathead screwdriver or a specialized balisong tool
  • A clean cloth or paper towel
  • Some lubricant (this is optional but recommended)

Step 2: Disassemble the Butterfly Knife

Start by holding the closed butterfly knife in your non-dominant hand with the safe handle facing up and the bite handle facing down.

Use the flathead screwdriver or balisong tool to carefully unscrew the pivot screws located on both sides of the handle. Be sure to keep track of the screws and any washers or spacers that may come loose.

Once you remove the screws, gently separate the two handles of the butterfly knife, being mindful of any latch mechanisms or blade stops that may be present.

Step 3: Clean the Components

Use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe down each individual component of the butterfly knife, including the handles, blade, screws, washers, and spacers.

Pay close attention to any areas where dirt, debris, or residue may have accumulated, and make sure to remove it thoroughly.

Step 4: Lubricate (Optional)

If you would like, you can apply a small amount of lubricant to the pivot screws, washers, and any other moving parts of the butterfly knife to ensure smooth operation. Be careful not to over-lubricate, as this can attract dirt and debris. The correct amount of lubrication helps the knife to work smoothly and correctly.

If you do choose to lubricate the parts, be sure the lubricant you choose is designed for knives to help protect the parts against corrosion.

Step 5: Reassemble the Butterfly Knife

With the cleaned and lubricated components in hand, carefully align the butterfly knife handles, ensuring you’ve properly positioned any latch mechanisms or blade stops.

Insert the pivot screws into their respective holes, making sure that the washers or spacers are in place as well.

Use the flathead screwdriver or balisong tool to tighten the pivot screws snugly, but be careful not to overtighten, as this can impede the movement of the butterfly knife.

Once the screws are securely in place, give the butterfly knife a few test flips to ensure that everything is functioning smoothly.

If necessary, make any final adjustments to the pivot screws or latch mechanisms to achieve optimal performance.

Step 6: Perform a Safety Check

Before using the butterfly knife, perform a safety check to ensure all components are properly secured and the blade functions correctly. Make sure that the latch mechanism, if present, is working properly to keep the blade securely closed when not in use.

There you have it: a step-by-step guide on disassembling and reassembling a butterfly knife. Remember to always handle butterfly knives with care and respect, and never engage in any unsafe or illegal activities with them.

And in case we weren’t clear before, be sure to brush up on the laws regarding butterfly knives in your state, as butterfly knife laws specifically can vary a lot across the country. In some states, it is legal to own them but illegal to conceal them; in others, even owning a balisong knife is breaking the law. Familiarize yourself with the requirements in your state before buying butterfly knives.