Beginner’s Guide: How To Select The Best Folding Knife For You

Beginner’s Guide: How To Select The Best Folding Knife For You

Feb 9th 2021

A dependable folding knife is essential for various daily tasks, from cutting rope to opening packages. A reliable and well-made folding knife can significantly improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety.

With this informative piece, you'll know what to consider when selecting the right folding knife for your needs. Let's check out all the parameters; all you need to know is here below.

Blade Styles

When considering a knife purchase, it is essential to consider the type of blade used. Different blades are suited for different tasks, so selecting the right blade type will ensure that you have the right tool for the job.

Drop Point

The drop point blade style is one of the most popular and commonly used blade shapes. It's characterized by a gently sloping spine that terminates in a sharp point. The large, blunt tip is strong and versatile, making it ideal for various tasks.

Clip Point

The clip-point blade style is recognizable by its concave or "clipped" back edge. This sharpened portion of the blade creates a very thin, delicate tip which makes it capable of piercing and stabbing with extraordinary precision.


The tanto blade style is a Japanese invention designed specifically for martial arts and warfare. It's characterized by a high point and an angled edge, which makes it incredibly strong and capable of piercing through the toughest materials.


The sheepsfoot blade style is designed for precision and control – its curved cutting edge allows the user to make precise, even cuts with little effort. This makes it ideal for delicate tasks like carving wood or trimming rope. The sheepsfoot blade's dull spine also offers a degree of safety, making it less likely to cause accidental injury.

Handle Materials


A popular handle material for knives, G10 is a durable and lightweight composite of woven fiberglass cloth soaked in epoxy resin. It's tough enough to resist scratches and corrosion but comfortable to hold.


Titanium is another popular handle material. It's extremely lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant, making it ideal for many environments.


Wood is still a popular choice for those looking for a more classic look. It can create beautiful and unique handles with intricate designs and details.

What To Take Into Consideration


Do you need something for camping or everyday use? It's important to know what you'll be using your knife for before purchasing it. You don't want to make a mistake and get a self-defense high-tech fancy knife if you need it for wood carving, for example.


Budget is a big factor when making a purchase, so it's important to research and find the best knife that fits your needs within your budget. Remember that you get what you pay for, so it may be worth spending a little more on quality craftsmanship.

Personal Preferences

You need to consider if you want a folding or fixed blade and what type of handle you prefer. Do you need it to be lightweight and portable or more robust and dependable? Consider your personal preferences when selecting the right knife for you.

High-Quality Folding Knives A Click Away!

EKnives is the perfect place to find the right switchblade knifefor any purpose. Whether you're an amateur or a professional, we have a knife that fits your budget and meets your needs. Our selection includes high-quality, durable knives from reputable brands, with styles ranging from classic to modern.

If you've been searching for custom knives, switchblade knives, or any other kind, look no further than EKnives, we've got exactly what you need. We invite you to explore our products and find the perfect knife for your needs today!